To debian-policy: can we please make it policy that messages should usually only be sent to one of: debian-devel debian-policy debian-user debian-announce debian-devel-announce ?
To debian-dissent: the question of debian-dissent is a little tricky (it's not an official Debian list, and we certainly want to allow crossposting in general between Debian and other lists), but to make debian-dissent more useful I'd like to suggest to Dave Cinege that he make it policy for his list that things should usually be posted to debian-dissent only if they have not been posted to one of the lists named above. That way people who subscribe to all of the lists above won't have to read the messages many times. If Dave is unwilling to make such a policy I predict that people will start to unsubscribe from his list. I for one have too little time to waste it reading duplicate messages. Thanks, Ian.