policy sais nothing. fsstnd and fhs draft are not exact.
current decission of our policy manager is to place all x11 programs and
their files in /usr/X11R6.

my opinion : /usr/X11* exists for historic reasons. the x11 system (in
our case xfree86) and related files (e.g. window manager) should go into
/usr/X11R6. but i see no need to place everything in there, only because
it needs x11. 

the only reason to place a file in /usr/X11R6 is 
"we always did it this way". but we never placed kde in that diretory,
and i dont see why we should. it doesnt use xresource and it also doesnt
use many other features, and has its own way (e.g. menu system, mime
system ...).

we all can agree, that neither vim nor dos should go into /usr/X11R6 :
these are no native x11 applications, they are only x11 enabled.

currently nearly all other x11 applications are in /usr/X11R6/bin, but
not all (e.g. wish), and when we look at manpages and libraries, there
is not much of a standard (amaya, cam, cthugha, ddd, civ, hotjava, ical,
jdk, gtk-dev(include files ?), minicom, wine, xaw3d, xemacs)

ok, it's not many programs, but it shows that we dont have a definitiv
standard. hotjava moving to x11 ? moving java to x11 ? both doesnt make
sence to me. both are very special programs, and so is kde and there
will be also others.

what do you think ?


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