On Mon, Jun 20, 2005 at 05:00:48PM +1000, Kai Hendry wrote:
> I think /usr/share/PACKAGE/www is rather long and clumsy.

> May I suggest a /web directory.
> http://lists.debian.org/debian-webapps/2005/06/msg00029.html

You can suggest it, but top-level directories are governed by the FHS, and
you'll have to come up with a pretty strong reason why the existing
available directories don't address the need.

> The Web application can then store files based on /web/HTTP_HOST.

> /usr/share/PACKAGE/www doesn't account for the possibility that more than
> one website will use the package. The data will tend to be site specific
> and hence using the environment variable HTTP_HOST is sensible.

> For example:
> /web/example.com
> http://example.com/

> It encourages a strong link to the URL.

So: create your /web directory and your per-host subdirectories, and create
your symlink farm under that.

There's no way that Debian is going to create /web/example.com for you, and
webapp packages certainly aren't going to populate that directory with their
files on install, so what does it actually buy anyone to put this in policy?

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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