
On Wed, May 23, 2018 at 08:08:33AM -0000, Cédric Boutillier wrote:
> I hereby warmly support the application of Georg Faerber <ge...@riseup.net> to
> become Debian Developer with uploading rights.

me too.

> I have been enjoying working with Georg Faerber for some months inside the 
> Ruby
> team where he has been doing an excellent job. I would like to be able
> to count him as a full member of the project, and to continue to work with him
> inside the Ruby team.
> During these months, Georg adopted very quickly the workflow of the team,
> prepared a good load of packages, including stable and security updates.
> I had the pleasure to review and sponsor his packages, and to interact nicely
> and efficently with him both on the debian-ruby mailing list and privately.
> I have personally worked with Georg Faerber <ge...@riseup.net> (key
> E29DD0FBEC9607D963BDAE0D5AD75B414EA41667) since january 2018,
> and I know Georg Faerber can be trusted to be a full member of Debian, and 
> have
> unsupervised, unrestricted upload rights, right now.  

I wholeheartly agree that Georg Faerber can be trusted to be a full
member of Debian, and have unsupervised, unrestricted upload rights, right now.

I've been sponsoring his work (on schleuder and dependend ruby packages)
since November 2016 (though already got help from him in since early 2015
with the torbrowser-launcher package) and I was always amazed by his
attention to details and his desire to get things really really right. 

Also already in the 2nd half of 2017 I basically never had complaints nor
even suggestions for his uploads anymore. 

Georg has been also been eager to learn and to integrate well into
Debian, so I'm really happy he now applied for DD, as I'm certain he
will improve our project further and better as one.

Welcome Georg, and thanks for all your work!


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