On Sat, 2 Jan 2021 18:36:05 +0100 Bastian Germann <bastiangerm...@fishpost.de> 
This package depends on libreadline8 which is GPL-3+ licensed. According to debian/copyright parts of your package are GPL-2-only licensed. If that is also (transitively) the case for the binaries that link with libreadline.so.8 it might be legally problematic (see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#AllCompatibility).

The covered binary is /usr/bin/jack_transport, which links to libjack.so.0. I leave it to the package maintainer to check if these two binaries contain code that is covered by GPL-2-only or one of the unclear GPL-2~either or GPL-2~or.

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