I'm using blender for a scientific simulation project and I'm affected
by this bug too.
As a workaround, I'll try alternative install methods in the meantime.
Looking forward to a quick resolution!
On Wed, 15 Sep 2021 23:19:59 +0200 "Matteo F. Vescovi" <m...@debian.org>
> Hi Mikko!
> On 2021-09-15 at 15:24 (+03), Mikko Rasa wrote:
> > Blender 2.93.4 is missing most options in color management settings.
> > I only have "sRGB" for display device, "Standard" for view transform,
> > "None" for look and "sRGB" and "Linear" for sequencer.
> > A build downloaded from blender.org shows all of the options, so it
> > seems Debian's build is incorrectly configured somehow.
> Digging in the build logs[1] you'll find something like:
> = = = = >8 = = = =
> -- Could NOT find OpenColorIO: Found unsuitable version "1.1.1", but
> -- required is at least "2.0.0"
> -- (found
> -- OpenColorIO not found
> = = = = >8 = = = =
> OpenColorIO is still at 1.1.1 in Debian, in fact. And OCIO library is
> responsible for color management in Blender, as you can see at [2].
> Now, even if I've tried to spend some time on packaging the 2.x.y version
> actually I'm still failing badly due to external requests (that is, more
> libraries or tools not packaged in Debian yet) for the package to build.
> Hope this helps to understand the problem.
> Cheers.
> mfv
> [1]
> [2]
> --
> Matteo F. Vescovi || Debian Developer
> GnuPG KeyID: 4096R/0x8062398983B2CF7A