Hi Gürkan--

thanks for the followup, and sorry for the delay.

On Wed 2020-04-29 08:03:22 +0200, Gürkan Myczko wrote:
> The tutorial says for me Settings -> Preferences, then browse path, I 
> tried /usr/lib64/
> and then hit Scan, it found 22 effects for me:
> http://bootes.ethz.ch/zytrax.png

Hm, on my debian system, there is no /usr/lib64 (we use the
more-flexible multiarch filesystem layout, see
https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultiArch).  so i tried putting
/usr/lib instead of /usr/lib64/

And sure enough it claimed to find 22 effects (which look like the same
that you found from the png above).  But if i'm understanding it
correctly, those were the 22 that were already loaded and available --
they are all of "Type: Effect", so they aren't synthesizers.

> Let's figure out which plugins to recommend are useful? Can you try
> the above steps, and make an example song, with recommendations?

I'm still stuck on creating a song without any synth elements.  I don't
know how to do it.  But maybe i'm just holding the tool wrong?  have you
managed to make a song on it?  what am i missing?


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