Dixi quod… >Fabian Greffrath dixit: > >>Agreed, then I'll prepare timgm6mb-soundfont for upload now. > >I just noticed that the soundfont itself is GPLv2… (only?) >in mine I use a script that edits the .sf2 to update metadata >like author or licence, perhaps you want to embed the licence >grant into the soundfont file as well? (I also am, somewhat, >working on a MuseScore patch that aggregates those headers >from the soundfonts used and puts them into ID3 tags or similar >for the generated waveforms so licence compliane is easier.) > >Do you wish to adapt that? I can commit how I imagine that to >work, if you want.
Continuing in a more appropriate venue for this subdiscussion, the Homepage field is also broken (domain parking), and the wayback machine does not have it archived. http://timbrechbill.com/saxguru/Timidity.php is the closest fit I could find. Perhaps ask Tim? The version downloadable from there is also 24K larger, perhaps a bugfix? Worse, neither Tim’s homepage nor https://github.com/musescore/musescore-old/tree/master/mscore/share/sound have any licencing information on that font (any more?)… so where does the GPLv2-only snippet come from? Not even his “Full Version” PKZIP .exe file contains any licence info… bye, //mirabilos -- Yay for having to rewrite other people's Bash scripts because bash suddenly stopped supporting the bash extensions they make use of -- Tonnerre Lombard in #nosec