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Hi Stephen,
Stephen Paul Weber <> ezt írta (időpont:
2019. jan. 19., Szo, 8:21):
> >libdrm-nouveau2:amd64 (2.4.74-1, 2.4.95-1~bpo9+1)
> >
> >The libdrm-nouveau2 and related seem suspect, especially coming from
> >backports.
> Confirmed.  I downgraded libdrm-nouveau2 to the non-bpo version and then
> went through the pain of getting my system back to a consistent state.  Kodi
> now runs without issue once again.

Thank you. Could you please report the issue to the backports mailing list?

I'm keeping this bug open because I reproduced the crash with xvfb
without -backports but I have not isolated the package breaking kodi
Since xvfb is not hugely popular for running kodi I'm putting this
issue on hold for now but please report if you (or anyone) face the
issue with a real video card in stretch without -backports enabled.


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