The groovebasing package in Debian was orphaned today, triggering me to have a look if I could do something for it.
I had a look at version 1.5.1, and discovered that it introduced three new dependencies, googleapis, httpolyglot and yawl. The last one is already in Debian, while the first two seem to be missing. I registered RPFs for them to at least have done a small step in the right direction. Some of The patches in debian/patches/ also needed an update, but nothing major. I did not push these changes into the salsa git repository, as I do not know if it really is working and did not want to block the easy path to updating the 1.4.0 version in Debian using the git repository. I lack the required javascript skills to maintain this package myself, but would love to help get it back in shape. Even better, if anyone is able to get it to work in Freedombox, I would be a regular user. :) For the latter, see also <URL: >. -- Happy hacking Petter Reinholdtsen