On 17/09/18 18:33, Ross Gammon wrote:
> Hi Alec,
> I am cc'ing you as you did not say if you are subscribed to the list.
> If you are willing to maintain the package within the team, then feel
> free to request to join the team on Salsa. 

On 17/09/18 19:13, Debian GitLab wrote:
> You have been granted Maintainer access to the Debian Multimedia Team


Done, at least a first try:  pushed 1.5.15+dfsg.1 to alsa. Given my
current skills  a review is certainly required. Status in short:'

lintian --pedantic -E --show-overrides
P: wxsvg source: package-uses-old-debhelper-compat-version 9
P: wxsvg source: debian-watch-does-not-check-gpg-signature

  * New upstream release
  * Drop ffmpeg patch
  * Update dfsg versioning scheme.
  * Move to libwxsvg3 to match soname.
  * Add rudimentary d/upstream/metadata.

Also:  added me to uploaders, updated Standards-Version:


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