
On 01/08/18 03:16, shirish शिरीष wrote:
> On 31/07/2018, James Cowgill <jcowg...@debian.org> wrote:
>> On 31/07/18 07:07, shirish शिरीष wrote:
>>> At times when I'm running a video, I get this ffmpeg warning -
>>> [ffmpeg] NULL: Failed to parse extradata
>>> and have no idea why that error triggrs.
>> Probably a broken input file. Does this only happen for some files?
> With quite a few more media files than I care to admit. It could be
> something that a newer encoder could fix when encoding a media file,
> dunno what. I'll try to see if somebody knows  a better de-bugging way
> so I know what's missing or broken and try to see if there is
> something that needs fixing.

Can you try playing the file with ffplay? If you get the same warning
then at least it's nothing to do with mpv.


Incidentally I notice this upstream PR which would remove the "built on
UNKNOWN" line and therefore fix the first part of the bug report:

Maybe they saw this bug :P


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