> Please avoid sarcasm - that is *not* helpful. > I am genuinely uncertain if behind each or some of the sarcasm above was > interest in understanding why Debian behaves different from your > expectation, or you only want to conclude that it does (i.e. point > fingers).
Neither. I would like to understand how to make Debian do whats needed, so that maybe i can help fixing up the wiki doc to explain it. I hate to waste peoples time, so the sarcasm is only there to show that i think i did my due diligence trying to figure out things before asking but the confusing doc/programs had me fail. In a sarcasm free versoin: - would be good to change title and text of of 3.1 i could not figure out what the title means and how it relates to the content of the section. - aptitude search '~S ~i ~O"Unofficial Multimedia Packages"' This command did not work for me to identify any installed deb-multimedia programs, it just cam back blank. Aptitude was also not installed by default (stretch) , but "apt" did the same thing, albeit more verbose. If i didn't do something wrong here, then it seems as if this is not the right commend to find those package Q: Is there a command to show the repository that a package was installed from ? Q: Is there a way to list just the explicitly installed packages (as opposed to the ones pulled in by dependencies ?) If there where these two commands, one should be able to easily get rid of deb-multimedia by (1) listing packages installed from that repository (2) list , match the packages manually installed (3) identify manual installed packages from the repo (4) remove repo from /etc/apt/sources.list (5) apt-get-update, aptitute autoclean ? (6) remove all packages installed from the repo (1) (7) re-install packages from (3) So far i've only managed to do dpt-query -l | grep dmo to half-way identify packages from deb-multimedia and remove them. I could remember which packages i installed manually and reinstalled them. But for documenting a recommended way to remove a repo, that is not a good reuseable approach. Cheers Toerless > - Jonas > > -- > * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt > * Tlf.: +45 40843136 Website: http://dr.jones.dk/ > > [x] quote me freely [ ] ask before reusing [ ] keep private -- --- t...@cs.fau.de From: Toerless Eckert <t...@cs.fau.de> To: Jonas Smedegaard <jo...@jones.dk> Cc: debian-multimedia@lists.debian.org Bcc: Subject: Re: debian-multimedia: wiki question Reply-To: In-Reply-To: <151905964198.13334.3888693853229143...@auryn.jones.dk> On Mon, Feb 19, 2018 at 06:00:41PM +0100, Jonas Smedegaard wrote: > Quoting Toerless Eckert (2018-02-19 17:49:40) > > On Mon, Feb 19, 2018 at 05:18:23PM +0100, Sebastian Ramacher wrote: > > > I don't disagree that some parts of the wiki could be improved, but if you > > > follow the link to the FAQ on https://wiki.debian.org/DebianMultimedia > > > that is > > > displayed in the TOC and under a section conveniently named > > > deb-multimedia.org, > > > you'll see that this is covered under 3.1 of the FAQ. > > > > Thanks, Sebastian > > > > a) The title of 3.1 is very helpfull (not ;-) > > > > b) aptitude search '~S ~i ~O"Unofficial Multimedia Packages"' > > > > - Looks intuitive (not ;-) > > > > - Hmm... no aptitude program installed. I guess long time ago in a > > universe far > > away debian installed/linked this full name to "apt" ? > > > > - apt search '~S ~i ~O"Unofficial Multimedia Packages"' > > Sorting... Done > > Full Text Search... Done > > [== no result] > > > > Hmm... maybe there is a different "aptitue" program from "apt", but > > why... > > > > - apt-get install aptitude > > ... Whow, really. That's logical > > > > - apt search '~S ~i ~O"Unofficial Multimedia Packages"' > > [== no result] > > > > Well, great. at least the result of apt and aptitude are consistent. > > > > - Reading apt, aptitude docs to compare > > - aptitude autoclean > > ok. that seems to be able to clean up repository data > > But does not delete deb-multimedia installed packages either.. > > > > - dpkg-query -l | grep dmo > > That actually does list the deb-multimedia packages, but just because > > their > > version numbers are tagged. > > > > So it seems as if the debian package system does not remember the > > repository from which a package was installed ??? Aka: no command > > to distinguish where an installed package came from in case > > the version numbers are not tagged ?? > > Please avoid sarcasm - that is *not* helpful. > > I am genuinely uncertain if behind each or some of the sarcasm above was > interest in understanding why Debian behaves different from your > expectation, or you only want to conclude that it does (i.e. point > fingers). > > If the former, please could you clarify by reposting with the sarcasm > stripped? > > > - Jonas > > -- > * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt > * Tlf.: +45 40843136 Website: http://dr.jones.dk/ > > [x] quote me freely [ ] ask before reusing [ ] keep private -- --- t...@cs.fau.de