I've ported the free (GPL2) VST plugin AZR-3, a drawbar organ simulator,
to a JACK program available here: http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/azr3/

I have also written Debian packaging for it. There is no debian/
directory in the tarballs on that webpage, but there is in the CVS
repository (in the branch Branch_1_0). I have read the relevant parts of
the policy manual and I think that the package should be OK. lintian
only complains about

W: azr3-jack source: out-of-date-standards-version 3.7.2 (current is


W: azr3-jack: new-package-should-close-itp-bug

and linda says nothing at all.

I'd like to have this package in Debian, but since I'm not a Debian
developer I need someone who is to be the official maintainer. I can
still keep the packaging up to date and fix bugs, I just need someone to
do the uploading and signing.

Anyone interested?


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