If i have a server behind a firewall and i am not responsible for the
firewall, what ports do you need to be open ?


2007/6/7, Holger Levsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
[This is a mail to multiple lists, please only reply to
[EMAIL PROTECTED], thanks. (Headers should be set for it).]

Dear Mirror-Admin,

we are looking for servers around the world for the streaming video
service of this years DebConf7 in Edinburgh, where we will (try to) provide
live streaming of the Talks, Workshops and probably various other
occurences. For this we need your help, to have enough bandwidth
available, as we do not know yet how many people will use this
service, even if it's the second time we do live streaming from a Debian
Conference :-)

We will use icecast2 for the streaming, using ogg theora as codec,
streaming in low resolution (but higher than last year probably), and will
provide a suitable configuration for Debian systems (packages for etch (and
maybe sarge) plus config files/help), to make providing a streaming mirror as
easy as possible. The needed information will be mailed to all participating
mirror admins, as soon as we have a final, working and tested configuration
available. (Which is expected sometime next week.)

The technical setup will look similar to the following:

We will have one streaming server in Edinburgh inside Teviot, which will
stream to one machine on the internet with decent bandwith. From there
(it will be named master.video.debconf.org) all servers will get their
feed and serve all the clients.
The clients will connect to video.debconf.org *or* one of the geographical
subdomains, eu.video.debconf.org, us.video.debconf.org,
asia.video.debconf.org. We will use DNS RoundRobin to split the load
between all participating machines.

If you want to help us with your bandwidth please sent the following
information to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  - The IP of the server

  - How much bandwith you have available

  - The location of it.

  - the email-address and the name of the person responsible for
    installing software on the machine, ie. our contact for the setup

  - whether you run etch or sarge

We'll need the streaming servers from June 16th until the 23nd of June,
after that the files will be available in multiple resolutions for
download at

We'll try to setup test streams before the 16th.

Thank you for your help!


P.S.: Like last year, streaming is completly optional, although we will try
hard to make it happen. But our main aim will be archiving of the event (for
eternity and for everyone), not streaming for the (un)lucky few, who didnt
make it to DebConf, but can make it to watch it live on the internet ;)

P.P.S.: The text of this mail is mostly stolen from last years mail from Jörg.

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Héctor Orón

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