On Wed, Apr 11, 2007 at 03:14:21PM +0200, Free Ekanayaka wrote:
> |--==> Eric Dantan Rzewnicki writes:
>   >>That would be a Very Good Thing! I think it should not be too
>   >>difficult to achieve that, we would probably need to set some
>   >>auto-builders that fetch source packages from sid and rebuild them for
>   >>etch.
>   EDR> Can this be done at backports.org?
> Yes, sure, but only as a repository, not as auto-builder.

So are there official debian autobuilder hosts that could be set to
handle this or would it need to be unofficial, privately donatated cpu
cycles? (sorry for all the naive questions. I'm just beginning to learn
how the debian project functions.)

-Eric Rz.

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