On Tue, 2006-02-14 at 09:01 +0900, Junichi Uekawa wrote:
> Hi,
> Here is a question: Do we want to start jack if it's not already
> started (always obey the symlinks that the sysadmin has set), or do we
> want to autodetect the current status ?

I think it would be better if we detected the current status. 

> It might be nice to have a helper command that just detects what sound
> daemon is running and help applications to use. Currently individual
> applications are doing their own checks in their own ways, which may
> sometimes have problems.

That is precisely the point I want to address. Using the argv[0] trick
(diverting, let's say, hydrogen to hydrogen.real and
symlinking /usr/bin/hydrogen to this wrapper application) we would have
the advantage of being able to decide what CLI arguments to pass to the
real application so it connects to the detected running setup, and we
would not have to change anything in the menu system, which would keep
the user experience consistent.

Starting a sound daemon if none is already running could be a
configurable behaviour of this wrapper / helper application.

But I think in the general case, jack initialization would be better
handled by qjackctl since it presents lots of useful functionality
besides starting jackd.
> regards,
>       junichi
> -- 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED],netfort.gr.jp}   Debian Project


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