>>>>> "joq" == Jack O'Quin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    joq> Free   Ekanayaka  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  writes:   >> Is somebody
    joq> already packaging  Jack's  and Torben's kernel  module >> for
    joq> the 2.6?

    joq> Not that I  know of.  So far,  it's just  been experimentally
    joq> hosted on my  home   system, `www.joq.us'.  There    has been
    joq> enough  interest in  the LAD   community  that I  had already
    joq> decided to create a SourceForge project for it.

    joq> It  is a small piece  of  code.  As  Guenter pointed out, the
    joq> biggest  problem is the  Makefile.  I've made some changes to
    joq> Torben's original version,  but it  still heavily depends  on
    joq> the  kernel build process.  Making  it work with make-kpkg or
    joq> building it as a separate package will not be a trivial job.

I'm not sure to fully understand what the problem is.. anyhow I gave a
glance at the  Makefile in realtime-0.0.3.tar.gz,  but it seems to  me
that just having  the usual /usr/src/linux  tree would suffices, and I
think this  is  a usual  requirement  for most  debian  kernel modules

    joq> I am glad  to help in  any way I can.  But,   I am not a  DD,
    joq> don't know much about building  `.deb's, and am only slightly
    joq> familiar with  the new  2.6  kernel Makefile  structure.  So,
    joq> some serious Debian  skills will  be needed  to  get this LSM
    joq> packaged properly.

    joq> I  will ask  on  the linux-security-modules mailing list  for
    joq> other's experience   with  separate  packaging and  building.
    joq> Surely there are examples we can look at.  -- joq

Ok, that's a good starting point.


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