>>>>> "emm" == Eduardo Marcel Macan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    emm> That is probably going away when ALSA + JACK becomes the
    emm> standard, I think we should start to help their adoption by
    emm> the upstream authors of the sound software we use...

This is not always as simple as it might seem, as JACK per se imposes
quite a different approach to audio applications, which are normally
blocking I/O based.

libjackasyn by Guenter allows `legacy' audio applications to use Jack
via a LD_PRELOAD trick (Guenter, corrects me if I'm wrong).

Besides, latest ALSA versions have started working on a Jack driver so
that in theory you could connect ALSA output to Jack (I haven't tested
it, so again Guenter or anybody who actually is more knowledgeable
than me should beat me on the head).

    emm> I  don't  think of  jack as something  as simple  as a "sound
    emm> daemon",   so it  makes  sense to  me that   even other sound
    emm> daemons like  esd should have jack  output  plugins. I didn't
    emm> check to see if it already has...

esd has been unmaintained for a long time,  AFAIK (although it's still
the  default GNOME sound  server).   There is a `replacement' project,
asd, but I don't know how far they have gone.

Last  time I checked I  think  GNOME was  thinking about switching  to
arTs, which is not strictly KDE related.

However, I do agree with you that we should ask upstreams to switch to
Jack  (as an added option).    One thing we   are (slowly) going to do
within AGNULA is an  application database, noting which `sound system'
each one can use.


Andrea Glorioso                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
AGNULA/DeMuDi Technical Manager            http://www.agnula.org/
"There's no free expression without control on the tools you use"

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