On 1 Aug 2003, Eduardo Marcel Macan wrote:
> The 2.6 series of kernels will bring the turning point when OSS
> gets deprecated and ALSA becomes the standard.  We shouldn't
> stay behind to try to improve debian on this field.

Hi Eduardo, sorry for loosing the thread on this important topic.

Thats true, ALSA is already the standard for serious sound applications,
and it seems that jack is going to be the future standard.

> > There are several issues that should be addressed. One goal could
> > be to build a multimedia task, set up a multimedia subproject just
> > like debian-med or debian-edu.
> That is my intention, if we get enough people interested. We should
> start by contacting the current sound/video app's maintainers and
> invite them for this list, maybe we gather enough people to start
> a debian task.

This is something that I had already thought of too, and the sooner
we do it the better. Someone taking a lead on this ?
(I will be away for a week, but after that I could do it).

> > It would be nice if sound cards, video cards, cameras and other hardware
> > would be nicer integrated into Debian.
> >
> > We need special lowlatency kernels. Better integration of jack
> > (configuration, easy startup) ..
> They are already addressing this, some days ago a qt jack starter was
> annonced on jack-devel.

Good, but still it has to find its way into Debian, ..
BTW, I think it would be a good idea to forward anouncements of
new interesting software to this list.

All in all, we should act quickly in order to make sarge one
of the multimedia-enabled distributions out there.

Are there any formal steps that have to be taken in order to
create a Debian task ?

Keep the ball rolling .....


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