
> sorry for the long wait, real life happened. Also, note the version bump 
> in the subject from 1.2.3 to 1.2.5.

no problem :)

> We now bundle the origtar, and listen for it in d/watch


> I would like to see this work helping all Debian-derivatives.
> A month ago, before I went inactive for a month, (long before Ubuntu's 
> DebianImportFreeze), I hoped that telegram-purple would make it into 
> Debian unstable and therefore into Ubuntu 2016-04.

there still is hope. I'm an Ubuntu Developer, I can forcesync it also
after the DebianImportFreeze (for leaf packages, no
reverse-dependencies, release team should approve it)

> Well, that didn't work. Also, see below. As it turns out, pushing 1.2.5 
> into Debian right now would be a bad idea.

again, if the problem is on Windows, I don't really care.

> Thanks to the published origtar, this should become a bit easier in the 
> future.


> Due to Telegram cranking out unexpected features that break everything, 
> we won't push 1.2.5 into Debian anyway, so that's why I don't bother 
> with another RFS yet.

as you wish, just be aware that we can break the freeze if needed, just
speed up the fixes :)
(with telegram changing API/ABI it becomes difficult to make it suitable
for stable...)



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