Jerome BENOIT <> writes:

> I am on my way to package a software whose the upstream source is
> available at github with only commits: the upstream team uploads new
> material the last Friday of each month, but without emitting any tags.

I'm not an expert on the corner cases of ‘uscan’.

My understanding is that it expects published tarballs, indexed at a
single page, whose filename contains the exact upstream version string,
unique to each release and comparable via ‘dpkg --compare-versions’.

> Can we use uscan (version 4) for such a scheme ?

You may need to have a conversation with the developers and convince
them to better communicate their releases to automated recipients: with
archived, sequentially-versioned, tarball releases at an index page.

 \        “Odious ideas are not entitled to hide from criticism behind |
  `\       the human shield of their believers' feelings.” —Richard M. |
_o__)                                                         Stallman |
Ben Finney

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