-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 I have had a go at packaging several non-python kernels for the jupyter[0] interactive computing tool (formerly ipython). It should be possible to write a kernel for any interpreted language for which a ZMQ library exists; quite a few now exist[1] (although many appear to be alpha software at best).
I have generated packages for the following kernels and their dependencies: * ihaskell [2] (and dependencies haskell-ghc-parser, haskell-ipython-kernel, haskell-shelly, haskell-system-argv0) * ijulia [3] (and dependencies julia-bindeps, julia-compat, julia-json, julia-nettle, julia-sha, julia-uriparser, julia-zmq) * ijavascript [4] and jp-coffeescript [5] (and dependencies node-jmp, node-nel and node-zmq) * irkernel [6] (and dependencies r-cran-rzmq, r-cran-uuid, r-github-irkernel-irdisplay, r-github-irkernel-repr) * iruby [7] (and dependencies ruby-bond, ruby-rbczmq) All the packages can be found in an Ubuntu PPA [8], targetting 15.10/16.04; but most should build without modification on testing/unstable. Packaging has been done with git-buildpackage+quilt+pristine-tar. The packages build, and appear to work, but I am less familiar with (haskell, julia, node, ruby) than (R, python) and so packages of the former would certainly benefit from review by someone with greater familiarity (and ultimately, I would be looking for sponsorship for uploads once any problems are addressed). I would be interested in team/co-maintenance where possible due to the large number of packages - - and advice on which would be the appropriate teams. Gordon [0]: jupyter.org ; github.com/jupyter ; ipython already exists in the archives, for jupyter see ITP #800936 #799470 #801366 #800903 #800404 [1]: github.com/ipython/ipython/wiki/IPython-kernels-for-other-languages [2]: github.com/gibiansky/IHaskell [3]: github.com/JuliaLang/IJulia.jl [4]: github.com/n-riesco/ijavascript [5]: github.com/n-riesco/jp-coffeescript [6]: github.com/IRkernel/IRkernel [7]: github.com/SciRuby/iruby [8]: launchpad.net/~chronitis/+archive/ubuntu/jupyter/ -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2 iEYEARECAAYFAlabmggACgkQKjK+VzJFQ+Vw5gCeJocvmxqzHoyNu+UO2xKkHk/b rrMAnj8fhwQ/ttuCGdQ0wGKzei5/TfKt =GL+1 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----