Hi again!

>The context is that this is game is mainly written in Lua +

>some C++ glue code and I've no idea how Lua libraries work.
>So I'll spend some time to learn that properly.

oh well, lua might not link libraries to binaries :)

>This lua-lpeg depedency is there because I was until recently a user
>of the  .deb provided by GetDeb and I noticed after an update
>that the game was spewing a runtime error about this missing lib;
>installing lua-lpeg solved the problem 
>I told GetDeb maintainer to add this to the package depedencies,
>without explicitely stating weither this should go in Build-Dep or Dep.
>And then I started from this list of depedencies to build my package.

I guess the libraries are somewhat opened in the lines below
"local lfs = require "lfs"" <<- lua-filesystem
"local lpeg = require "lpeg"" <<- lua-lpeg

but I don't think you are actually opening the sofiles but the .lua version
(require keyword)

also please check the "luaL_openlibs" function in the source code.

there are many "require" in the code, I would check all of them :)



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