
I'm packaging a app like that from the scratch for
the first time.

The information about hardening for qmake in the 
wiki[0] should be updated, IMHO. QMAKE_CPPFLAGS doesn't
work. And everything can be done in debian/rules.
The example I found in debian/rules[1] of zeal 
debian package.

[0] - https://wiki.debian.org/Hardening
[1] - http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/collab-maint/zeal.git/tree/debian/rules

The package is almost done. I don't know
how to deal with:
'── usr
    ├── lib
    │   └── x86_64-linux-gnu
            └── qt5
                 └── qml
    │               └── QbQml
    │                   ├── libQbQml.so
    │                   └── qmldir

And webcamoid-xx/share:
effects.xml  icons  mainpipeline.json  qml  ts

I don't know where to put them (package and location).

It seems that the libraries are lowercase. I did a lot
of patches to put the library (libqb6) in lower case. 
But the plugins an LibQbQML still in upper case.
I don't know if is necessary. And I didn't found out
how to do that.

Can someone take a look on my work ? As I know that
the job is not done yet, I don't want to send a RFS.


Herbert Parentes Fortes Neto (hpfn)

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