Howdy mentors,

How can I get ‘’ to get my updated key from the Debian
maintainer's keyring?
I have a new signing subkey, and have uploaded it recently to the Debian

    $ gpg --keyserver --send-key AC128405
    gpg: sending key AC128405 to hkp server

Some time later, I try uploading a package using ‘dput mentors …’. The
package is rejected some minutes later, with this message:

    Your upload does not contain a valid signature. Output was:

    gpg: Signature made Do 12 Nov 2015 06:08:39 UTC using RSA key ID 65D1F1F7
    gpg: Can't check signature: public key not found

So, between uploading the key to ‘’ and uploading the
signed package to ‘’, something has not happened.

How often does the keyring update at ‘’, and is there
anything I need to do to make it happen sooner?

 \         “People's Front To Reunite Gondwanaland: Stop the Laurasian |
  `\              Separatist Movement!” —wiredog, |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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