Hi, you should open a bug against release.debian.org
https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?users=release.debian....@packages.debian.org;tag=transition and ask for a transition slot test if the reverse dependencies still build fine https://release.debian.org/transitions/html/auto-nfft.html (maybe you have some other dependencies, please look at apt-cache rdepends library reverse-depends -b src:package outputs) cheers, G. Il Martedì 13 Ottobre 2015 9:42, Ghislain Vaillant <ghisv...@gmail.com> ha scritto: Hi Gianfranco, Always a pleasure to have you as my reviewer for this package. I will fix your comments during the week. I will also take this opportunity to apply a few of the improvement you suggested on other reviews. So more work is needed, such as: - *not* to use a custom symlink for jquery on doxygen generated HTML docs, - split -arch and -indep targets, this package fits this requirement very nicely, - apply stricter hardening. Most of which I have already completed. Could you expand on the comment wrt the transition slot? This is something I am not familiar with. Many thanks, Ghis