> We would really, really prefer that you not do this, and instead work with
> whoever is packaging the library for Debian to add a test to the packaging
> rules themselves to be sure that they're built correctly.
> The reason for this is that Debian's packaging tools, by design, work
> exactly the same way when run by an individual user to build a package for
> their own personal purposes as when we use them to build packages for the
> distribution.  This is in the spirit of open source: there shouldn't
> really be anything special about Debian as a distribution that any
> individual can also do.  But as a result, it's pretty hard to distinguish
> between a Debian build and an individual build.

OK, thanks. We are working with László Böszörményi. He's been very helpful.

But if László ever leaves Debian or stops Crypto++, then I loose my
contact and the path to ensure things are handled correctly.

> Also, I would question the assumption a bit: if this is important for
> distributions, wouldn't it be important for all builds?

Yeah, I agree. I personally wanted them in effect, but I could not
gather consensus. Its one of the joys of a democratic process....


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