Em Wed, 9 Sep 2015 18:21:23 +0200
Vincent Bernat <ber...@debian.org> escreveu:

>  ❦  9 septembre 2015 11:23 -0300, J.S.Júnior <j.s.jun...@live.com> :
> >   Changes since the last upload:
> [...]
> In d/copyright, you have the same clause for "*" and for "match.c" (and
> others).

I had left "*", but lintian asked to be explicit to the files.

W: mini-httpd source: file-without-copyright-information
and more

> In d/mini-httpd.default, I would suggest to remove this "start daemon"
> variable, unless most users won't start the daemon (but since you
> changed the default, I suppose that most users will run the
> daemon). Enabling/disabling a daemon should be done through the
> appropriate init interface (eg systemctl disable mini-httpd).

OK, fix it.

> In d/mini-httpd.install, you install files in /var/www/html. You should
> not do that as another package could use it (which is likely not to be
> the case, but you get the idea). It seems that the rule is to copy the
> index.html from /usr/share/... to /var/ww/html/index.mini-httpd.html. I
> don't know if this is a written policy somewhere.

I'm rename index.html for index-mini-httpd.html
See: Bug [1] and Discution [2], default for web servers.

> >       - Fix error set -e and no install htpasswd (Closes: #520941)
> Didn't look at the bug, but set -e is usually considered a bad idea in
> an init script. For example, stuff like that wouldn't work (but you
> don't have such a case in your init.d script, so you may ignore that):
> #v+
> do_start
> case "$?" in
>  ...
> esac
> #v-
I don't understand
Look, if I remove, lintian send message.
mini-httpd: maintainer-script-ignores-errors postinst

Insert lintian overrides ? or no.

> The htpasswd manual page is still present.
Fix in patches. Don't install now

[1] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=730373
[2] https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2012/04/msg00301.html 

> Otherwise, looks OK to me.

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