Hi Carlos (Coringão).

If you want to learn how packaging I recommend to see a excellent course at 
by Eriberto Mota [1] it's in Portuguese.



Se você quer aprender como empacotar eu recomendo que veja o excelente curso do 
Eriberto Mota no youtube. [1]
Está em português.

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJMN-EPijFM 



Em 01-09-2015 22:43, Carlos Donizete escreveu:
> Hello, sorry I am Brazilian, I can not write correct and I am using a
> translator.
> I have a personal repository with many games packed to debian.
> http://archive.ubuntugames.org/dists/ubuntugames
> But the way packed games was made erroneously.
> I would like someone to help me pack this game and puts them in the
> Debian non-free repository.
> Thanks!

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