New package is on mentors. As before, you can run

    dget -x

to get it.

Gianfranco Costamagna <> writes:

> 1) please run a meld COPYING debian/copyright
> I see some differences that are MIT/Expat and some minor
> differences (like spaces and so on).

Quoting from [0]:
> There are many versions of the MIT license. Please use Expat instead,
> when it matches.

Then, the COPYING file has a bug (License: BSD for src/lpc.h instead of
BSD-style). I fixed it in my d/copyright.

The only differences left are an extra newline (that I've now added in
d/copyright), and a space at the end of a line in COPYING (which is
considered bad practice, so I didn't add it in d/copyright).


> 2) upstream provides a way to generate a manpage with pandoc, can you
> please run it?

Done. I've also removed d/docs since the README file is the source of
the manpage and therefore there is no need to install it.

> 3) d/rules:
> I don't see the need to run manually autoreconf and cleaning manually
> the files.
> Aren't you satisfied with a simple
> "dh $@ --with autoreconf"
> default call?

I was unaware of dh-autoreconf. I've updated d/rules and d/control to
use it. Thanks for the suggestion!
Marius Gavrilescu

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