
i wrote:
> >   Add myself to "Uploaders" ? Am i entitled ?

Christian Kastner wrote:
> However: it appears that this package is team-maintained. In that case,
> you leave the Maintainer as-is, and add yourself to Uploaders.

Adding myself to uploaders leads to new local warnings:

  W: libburn source: changelog-should-not-mention-nmu
  W: libburn source: maintainer-upload-has-incorrect-version-number 1.4.0-1.1

So for a test, i removed the the surplus ".1" and the line
"* Non-maintainer upload." from changelog.

Seems to be ok. I can run dpkg-i although the version number
is now lower than the previously installed one.
  Unpacking libburn4 (1.4.0-1) over (1.4.0-1.1) ...

> IMHO, taking over this package correctly would mean to also take over
> the alioth project as admin by
>    1. Requesting to join the team
>    2. Having the current admin set your new account as admin
>    3. Removing the old admin

I was already made aware that there is a repo to be taken
over. (The project page itself is very sparse.)
But currently i am still overwhelmed by packaging.
My plan is to get the three packages presentable, approach
my potential sponsors for adoption, and then try to understand
the rest of the infrastructure.

The current admin is very busy in real life. Else i would have
used him as sponsor and the packages were already in sid.
The task to update the packages to newest upstream was up to now
among the easiest ones.

> Once you have completed the above, add yourself to Uploaders.

Not being there yet, i stay with NMU for now and will put my
three packages on display.

It's time to look for sponsors and to get their opinion
about my packaging.

Gianfranco Costamagna wrote:
> that way at the next soname bump you won't need
> to change the install files too.
> ($somebody might object that having the 4 makes you
> sure you don't miss a soname bump)

There will be no SONAME change as long as i am the upstream
developer. ABI compatibility is one of the most important
goals of my development.
(Last inadverted breaking of ABI was with 0.3.2 in february
 2007, but i got SONAME correct only with version 0.4.2 in
 february 2008.)

> not sure why you ship a static library,

A former maintainer of libburn has put these files into the
libburn-dev.install file.
I am not yet apt to judge whether this should be changed.

One reason might have been that dbg had versions which
did an awful job with dynamic libraries. Did not try yet
with my two month old Jessie. I have my own static
compilation setup for upstream development purposes.

I see Jakub Wilk and Paul Wise discussing the general
issue. Of course i would obey an instruction to remove
the *.a libraries from *-dev.install, if the discussion
comes to such a conclusion.

> sure, mentors allows to dput, dput and dput again the same package.

Other communities put high value on not overwriting
the same version of a tarball or package.
Glad to see that mentors allows it for development work.

> if you are talking about the package at #679249 you might directly ask this
> to the maintainer

As said above, George Danchev has no time to sponsor or
coach me.
He rather orphaned the packages now, to allow me to apply
for sponsorship by others: #796145, #796146, #796147.

I thought they were orphaned since two years, when George
told me he could not longer maintain them. But that
last step was made only a few days ago, when he was
pointed by a bystander to my questions on debian-user.

We do not split in anger or something like that.
It's just that real life prevents him from covering my
upstream releases.

I got an offer of help by Steve McIntyre, who uses xorriso
for debian-cd. But before bothering him with technical
questions, i preferred to bother people who obviously don't
mind noobs and their difficulties.
Thanks a lot to this list and to all who answered.

Dominique Dumont expressed interest, too. He pointed me
to the task of taking care of the repo. (I'm still very
clueless with this topic.)

I will also inform the neighboring team which maintains

... still waiting for my new dput -f of libburn to show up
on the web site ... it's nearly two hours ago now.

Shall i re-dput ? After what waiting time ?

Have a nice day :)


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