> Lets review:
> 1) debian/changelog should only contain one entry.

> 2) debian/control: debhelper >=9 is recommended

> 3) d/control: "python-pyinotify, python-boto, python-dateutil, 
> python-argparse"
Removed and verified that these deps are still included in the binary's
metadata with ${python:Depends}.

> 3) debian/compat: 9

> 4) what about using python3?
I've started by branching upstream and getting the scripts to pass 2to3,
but those are breaking changes... I'm not exactly sure how I'd include
these in the package while still maintaining compatibility with Python

> 5) bonus: write a systemd service file.
Done, but not well tested yet. I'll have to modify my testing
environment a bit to run it under systemd.

> 6) d/copyright: please add the Debian packaging copyright
>  (even if it shouldn't be mandatory anymore)

> cheers,
> Gianfranco

Thanks for taking a look! I've uploaded a new source package with these
changes to mentors.debian.net for testing.

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