Le mer. 5 août 2015 à 13:00, Vincent Bernat <ber...@debian.org> a écrit :

>  ❦  5 août 2015 10:28 GMT, Fabrice Aeschbacher <
> fabrice.aeschbac...@gmail.com> :
> > I did also read on debian-devel that putting the debian/ directory in
> > the same (git) repo has some drawbacks and is not recommended (at
> > least not in the same branch). I cannot remember all arguments, but
> > some can be found here :
> >
> https://wiki.debian.org/DebianMentorsFaq#What.27s_wrong_with_upstream_shipping_a_debian.2F_directory.3F
> The arguments all rely on .diff.gz which is not used anymore with 3.0
> formats. I think the whole entry should be removed as there is now
> little interest to try to enforce this rule. On the other hand, such a
> "rule" makes us appear as too strict for some upstreams.

OTOH, other arguments I can remember were:
- if upstream and Debian eventually disagree on the packaging (and / or
 package version number, changelog ... ), things become complicated
- ditto for derivative distros vs. Debian having possibly different
packaging .

With kind regards,
Fabrice Aeschbacher

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