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Am Donnerstag, den 04.06.2015, 10:39 -0400 schrieb Bill Blough:
> On Wed, Jun 03, 2015 at 02:41:08PM +0200, Tobias Frost wrote:
> > Quoting Bill Blough <>:
> > 
> > I suggest that you base your work on my repository. (link to the repository
> > is in the ITP). <snip>
> You raise some good points.  I did some of what you suggest, but didn't go as
> far with it as you did.  I'll spend some time redoing it with your repo as a 
> base.
> > Do you see a posiblity to host the repository at
> Yes, I would be open to that.  In fact, I should probably move my other
> packages there as well.  I'll work on getting that set up.
> > So, thats enough for the short review... I did only check "on paper", I did
> > not to try to build your package..
> Thanks for the feedback.  I appreciate you taking the time to look at it.  As 
> I
> mentioned above, I think I will be switching to using your packaging, so all 
> of
> these items should be taken care of once that change is complete.  However,
> I've made a note of your comments so I can keep them in mind for future 
> packages.
> Best regards,
> Bill

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