On Sun, 07 Jun 2015 19:35:03 -0700
dp <dee...@att.net> wrote:
> Hi Mentors,
> I am trying to create a .deb that has dependency on multiple
> opensource packages.
> These packages come from different sources . Few are available through
> apt-get, but few are on git clone or mirrored on personal websites.
> They have variety of compression mechanism such as .gzip, .bz2 etc.
> and individual make files.
> I wonder how do I pull the sources and/or binary to create .deb out of
> multiple opensources ? this .deb need to be installable on architecture 
> types
> i386, amd64 etc.
> I would highly appreciate any pointers. Please respond.
> Best Regards,
> Deeps

It depends on whether or not you want your .deb to be in Debian. If you
do, then you'll need to package all of the the dependencies first. If
you don't, you could just make a script and ask people to run it before
installing your package.

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