Hello MIA Team,
After some discussion on bug #784854
<https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=784854>, I'm trying
to find information about maintainer "Karolina Kalic
<karol...@resenje.org>", whose package "gtk3-engines-unico" was
apparently orphaned incorrectly without the MIA team's consent. A
critical bug (#706330
<https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=706330>) has been
affecting the package since April 2013, and she haven't responded since.
Looking at:
> The|echelon|information available through thedevelopers' LDAP
database <https://db.debian.org/>, which indicates when the developer
last posted to a Debian mailing list. (This includes mails about uploads
distributed via the|<debian-devel-chan...@lists.debian.org
<mailto:debian-devel-chan...@lists.debian.org>>|list.) Also, remember to
check whether the maintainer is marked as on vacation in the database.
Karolina Kalic is not in the LDAP database, though
provides a bit of info.
> The number of packages this maintainer is responsible for, and the
condition of those packages. In particular, are there any RC bugs that
have been open for ages? Furthermore, how many bugs are there in
general? Another important piece of information is whether the packages
have been NMUed, and if so, by whom.
She is involved in the packaging of 4 packages, 2 of which have been
taken over and 3 with RC bugs. https://qa.debian.org
> Is there any activity of the maintainer outside of Debian? For
example, they might have posted something recently to non-Debian mailing
lists or news groups.
A quick Google search for "karol...@resenje.org" finds some things about
PGP keys and the Debian packages she's been involved in, but all of
these seem to be from 2011-2012. Searching the name is really ambiguous,
giving various results for different packages on various distributions.
I did find this forum post
<http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?p=815887#p815887> from Linux
Mint though, discussing how Unico was abandoned in Debian... The latest
post by date I found at a strange lookingDebian bugs mirror
but that just duplicates what was in the bug tracker anyways.