On Thu, Apr 09, 2015 at 05:47:51PM +0200, Dominique Dumont wrote:
> On Thursday 09 April 2015 09:21:24 Darryl L. Pierce wrote:
> > I've been following the steps as best I can here [1] to upgrade my
> > package (qpid-proton) to the latest upstream release (0.9). However,
> > these steps result in a merge commit (actually, they result in a huge
> > set of conflicts) and that strikes me as a Bad Thing (tm).
> I've seen such behavior. It always boiled down a previous mistake done with 
> the git repo.
> > Why does GBP try to merge, rather than cherry pick, the upstream version
> > onto master? That will always result in an error since upstream only
> > holds the original code while master is interim changes to the package.
> No. There should be no conflict: packaging activity only modifies files in 
> debian/ directory which is missing for upstream.
> > What is the right way to go about this?

Which repo are you looking at? Mine [1] or the Debian one?

> First, fix your git repo before attempting an import:
> - watch file is broken


> - several files have git merge artifacts (try a «ack '<<<'» in your repo)
> - upstream and pristine-tar branches are missing (you may have forgotten to 
> push them).

I'm not sure which repo you're looking at. My github repo has these

> If you want other people to contribute to this package, please make sure that 
> tags do match the released packages (they don't: tag 0.7-2 is missing and the 
> commit for this release is missing).

I contacted my mentor about this: I got an email about a week or two ago
saying that my packages were being deleted since I hadn't found a
sponsor after 20 weeks. Which is not correct as he is my sponsor on
[1] http://www.github.com/mcpierce/debian-qpid-proton

Darryl L. Pierce <mcpie...@gmail.com>
Famous last words:
   "I wonder what happens if we do it this way?"

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