Package: sponsorship-requests
Severity: normal

I am looking for a sponsor for the source package "h5py".

It builds the following binary packages:

 python-h5py  -- Python 2 version
 python3-h5py -- Python 3 version

This upload brings the package up to date with the most recent
stable upstream release.

This package can be checked out at:

This package can be built with:

 gbp buildpackage --git-debian-branch=debian/experimental \

Changes since the last upload:

  * New upstream release
  * d/control: lintian fix
  * d/copyright:
    - lintian fix
    - made dep5 compatible
    - strip residual .DS_Store files in tarball
  * d/watch:
    - add repack due to file strip
  * d/patches/*:
    - add 0001-prevent-rpath.patch
    - disable drop-mpiposix.patch

Best regards,


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