On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 8:42 PM, Antti Järvinen
<antti.jarvi...@katiska.org> wrote:
> So, the comments:
> about debian/config:
>  - Is it necessary to have condition
>    if [ $1 = "configure" ]; then
>    ..
>    fi
>    around db_input/db_go -commands? I'm under impression that this
>    config-script might be run also on other situations than config ;
>    or is this intentional?
There is no if statement in d/config. Did you mean one in d/postinst?
It is needed to run only at the package configuration phase.

> about debian/copyright:
>  - According to
>    https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2006/03/msg00023.html
>    you should have, among other things in the copyright file the authors
>    name and year of the copyright. Year is missing for "Files: *"
>    and then I'm not sure if "dy.fi admins" count as name of
>    author ; I understand that there may be real organization of
>    human behind dy.fi that have developed the sw but .. naming
>    a person, a company or other entity that may be recognized
>    by rule of law (in Finland?) might be a jolly good idea?
>  - There are "Files-Excluded" mentioned in copyright ; it might be
>    required to explicitly state that they may be distributed anyway,
>    for example using "permissive" license, if the files fall into
>    such category.
Thanks, I'll try to address these issues.

> about debian/po/templates.pot Minor whining:
>    When username is queried, would it be nice to indicate that
>    this is exactly "dy.fi system username" and not just "username"
>    or is this going to be very clear in advance to person doing
>    the installation? I understood that the user account needs to
>    exists beforehand..
> about debian/postinst
>    What is going to be file permission of /etc/dyfi-update.conf ?
>    It may contain user account + password to remote box?
Restricted to dyfi user, but true it can be accessed by others.

> general:
>    There is no documentation of any kind. Maybe a short manpage might
>    be in order?
Well, it's not really a binary, it's a daemon so you can only check it's state.

Thanks for comments,

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