
Thank you for answering and reviewing the package so fast.

I have (I hope) adressed the blocking issue and some of
your recommendations also.

The new files are there: http://www.miceamaze.org/debian/

See below for my answers:

2015-02-17 6:12 GMT+01:00 Paul Wise <p...@debian.org>:

> Control: tags -1 + moreinfo
> On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 10:38 PM, Raphaël Champeimont wrote:
> >   miceamaze - video game with mice in a maze
> There is one issue that need to be fixed before I will upload the package:
> The debian/copyright file needs to be updated for the new copyright
> year. It also needs updating for the new files that are under
> different licenses or have different copyright holders (data/music/
> and data/mazes/maze13.txt). Please note that a full copy of the CC-BY
> 3.0 license needs to be added to debian/copyright, so offline users
> can read the license.

She agrees to release the maze to the public domain.
I also release the ones I have made to the public domain,
so I have added an entry to say all mazes are in the public domain.

OK I added entries for the music files with CC-BY.

> Other thoughts:
> On a system with two screens (laptop + external screen), full-screen
> mode crosses the two screens which makes the menu hard to read and
> cuts part of it off.

I'm not sure I can fix this, because all I do is ask for SDL to setup a
full-screen OpenGL display, but don't think it is possible to specify
the behavior on multi-screen.

> In chromium-bsu I was able to get nice anti-aliased text by passing
> GLC_TEXTURE to glcRenderStyle, but for some reason that only produces
> white squares in miceamaze.

Perhaps it is because I use display lists in which I put some text
and it may not work well with the texture-based rendering (just a guess).

> You might want to mention the Standards-Version in debian/changelog.
> If you have gone through the upgrading checklist and there aren't any
> changes that apply to miceamaze, you can say just "Bump
> Standards-Version, no changes needed".
> http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/upgrading-checklist

Yes. Actually I had checked this list and noticed nothing applied for
I have added the changelog entry.

> You might want to mention the reason for the Priority change in
> debian/changelog.

Did I do that? The only thing I changed is "experimental" instead of
Is it what you are talking about?

> I would have indented the second debian/changelog item like this:
>   * New upstram release 4.2 (Closes: #766820)
>     - Removed creation timestamp in PNG generation (Closes: #778491)

ok fixed

> ttf-dejavu-core is a transitional dummy package, you could depend on
> fonts-dejavu-core | ttf-dejavu-core instead.


> You may want to work on porting the code to SDL2. chromium-bsu is an
> example of a game that supports SDL and SDL2 (in upstream git only).

Last time I checked, SDL2 was not shipped with most linux distributions
(in stable releases) so I wanted to wait. Hopefully with jessie release,
will be available, so I might do the swith eventually (I think I will
switch and drop SDL 1.2 compatibility completely when I do that).

> The debian/patches directory is empty and could be removed.


> There are two spelling errors:
> $ codespell --quiet-level=3
> ./src/Functions.h:149: occured  ==> occurred
> ./src/AIVertex.h:33: colum  ==> column

thanks. corrected

> The include-what-you-use tool (from the iwyu Debian package) suggests
> a lot of files that are missing headers for the variables and
> functions that they use. I ran this command:
> $ find -type f \( -iname '*.c' -o -iname '*.cc' -o -iname '*.cxx' -o
> -iname '*.cpp' -o -iname '*.h' -o -iname '*.hh' -o -iname '*.hxx' -o
> -iname '*.hpp' \) -exec include-what-you-use {} \;

I'm surprised because gcc never complained about missing includes.
I will look into that later (this is not fixed in this release).

> I would suggest renaming the upstream README.txt file to INSTALL.txt.

ok done

> The upstream LICENSE.txt still contains details about the
> Bitstream/DejaVu license even though that was removed from the source
> tarball.

True. I removed this part.

> The upstream LICENSE.txt is missing copyright/license info for
> maze13.txt, which appears to have been contributed by someone else?

Ok I added information about that.

> This is a better URL for the Ogg file from ccmixter, I found it in the
> metadata of the Ogg file:
> http://ccmixter.org/files/George_Ellinas/14073-

Thanks. I added the URL.

> The upstream ChangeLog.txt is missing information about versions from
> 2.1 to 4.2.

Yes I tend to forget about this file and only update the website.
But this is now fixed.

> You've changed the mouse image and introduced 2 modified copies of it.
> This could be problematic if you want to tweak the mouse image or use
> different modifications in the future. Personally I would have done it
> like this: mouse.png containing the normal mouse image, helmet.png
> containing the mouse helmet and sickness.png containing the sickness
> pattern. Then at build time you would use imagemagick to overlay the
> helmet on the mouse image to create drill_mouse.png and similarly to
> create sick_mouse.png. Using SVG for the mouse image would give you
> more options for modifying the mouse too.

I agress this might have been another option, but actually I did not make
this change myself and the other developped preferred to do like this.

> The Ogg files aren't very modifiable, for example you could not easily
> change the drums to different drum or to a sample of someone hitting
> two rocks together.

That's true but I cannot provide anything better because I just downloaded
it like this and did not change anything.

> lintian complaints:
> P: miceamaze source: debian-watch-may-check-gpg-signature
> I: miceamaze: arch-dep-package-has-big-usr-share 12285kB 98%
> For the first one, refer to these URLs:
> https://lintian.debian.org/tags/debian-watch-may-check-gpg-signature.html
> https://wiki.debian.org/debian/watch#Cryptographic_signature_verification
> https://help.riseup.net/security/message-security/openpgp/best-practices
> For the second one, refer to these URLs:
> https://lintian.debian.org/tags/arch-dep-package-has-big-usr-share.html

So if I want to fix that, I should build two packages:
miceamaze with the binary file and miceamaze-data with the rest?

> As you are upstream for a game, you may want to look at these:
> https://wiki.debian.org/UpstreamGuide
> http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Games/Upstream/
> --
> bye,
> pabs
> https://wiki.debian.org/PaulWise


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