I have a data only package on Alioth. "make" is essentially a nop because
the package is all data.

I want to create a new package that is identical to the old one except
that 1) the name of the package is changed. 2) the data files and their
names are changed.

The data files are fairly large and unnecessary copies should be avoided
if possible.

If I were to log on to alioth and do

git clone --local --bare old new

Would it be a reasonable way to proceed to fork the old package? Am I
correct that because of the --local switch the large data files would
not actually be copied?  Because of hard links and other software
smoke and mirrors?

What are the pitfalls?

Thank You.

Paul Elliott                               1(512)837-1096
pelli...@blackpatchpanel.com               PMB 181, 11900 Metric Blvd Suite J
http://www.free.blackpatchpanel.com/pme/   Austin TX 78758-3117

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