Am 12. Dezember 2014 22:32:08 MEZ, schrieb Bhavyanshu Parasher 
>Thank you! Riley and Tobias for helping me understand the problems with
>the package. While I can fix the other mentioned issues but I can't get
>rid of the icons as of now just because they are licensed under 
>CC-BY-NC-3.0 which makes them unacceptable for debian main (as
>by Tobias). It will take me a while to design own icons.
>Thank you for reviewing.
>Bhavyanshu Parasher
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You're welcome.
When making your icons, one wish from me: Please save your self-made 
high-resolution versions in your sources and 'build' them to final size during 
package built. (This is considered best practice )


Tobias Frost

13C9 04F0 CE08 5E7C 3630 7985 DECF 849A A635 7FB7

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