Control: tags -1 -pending Hi Eriberto,
I've addressed some of the feedback from Paul above in a new upload to mentors. I will address the remainder when I work on packaging the next upstream release, since none of the suggested changes are pressing. Could you please consider uploading my package to experimental? plowshare4 (1.0.6-1) experimental; urgency=medium * New upstream release. * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.6, no changes. * Point Vcs-Git field to the correct branch. * Improve the derivation of the version string from git. * Update list of supported modules. * Remove Depends: bash (bash >=4.1 is present and essential in debian). * Add watch file using fakeupstream.cgi script. * spelling_comments.patch: corrects typos in comments * spelling_helpfull_flag.patch: corrects typo in CLI option. * utf8.patch: repairs an encoding issue. * Add upstream metadata. Cheers, Carl
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