Package: sponsorship-requests
Severity: normal

  Dear mentors,

  I am looking for a sponsor for my package "cakephp"

 * Package name    : cakephp
   Version         : 1.3.20-1
   Upstream Author :
 * URL             :
 * License         : MIT
   Section         : web

  It builds those binary packages:

    cakephp    - MVC rapid application development framework for PHP
 cakephp-scripts - MVC rapid application development framework for PHP (scripts)

  To access further information about this package, please visit the following 

  Alternatively, one can download the package with dget using this command:

    dget -x

  More information about hello can be obtained from

  Changes since the last upload:

cakephp (1.3.20-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * New upstream release.
  * New maintainer (Closes: #738289).
  * General changes:
    - Updates d/watch file.
    - Updates d/copyright file to 1.0 standard.
    - Removes d/*.dirs files, not more needed by dh.
    - Removes d/*.lintian-overrides.
  * debian/control:
    - Bumps debhelper version to 9.
    - Bumps Standards-Version to 3.9.6.
    - Adds php5-sqlite and php5-pgsql to cakephp Suggests.
    - Changes cakephp Depends from "php5" to "php5 | php5-cli".
      Development environments can use the PHP integrated HTTP server.
    - Makes cakephp-scripts strictly Depends on the exact version of cakephp.
    - Makes cakephp stricly Recommends the exact version of cakephp-scripts.
      (Multiple co-installable versions of cakephp are planned)
    - Updates VCS fields to the Alioth repository
      (shared between versions of cakephp).
  * debian/rules:
    - Switches from override_dh_install rule to d/*.install files.
    - Removes executable bit of some PHP files in override_dh_fixperms.
  * Refresh patches.
  * Renames patches to follow actual conventions:
    - 01-remove-shebang.diff   ==> 05-remove.unused.shebang.patch
    - 02-cake-binary-libs.diff ==>
  * Fix header of old patches to follow
  * Adds patches (see patch header for details):

 Maxime Chatelle

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