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2014-09-10 12:52 GMT-03:00 Alexandre Rossi <alexandre.ro...@gmail.com>:
>> About your package, the upstream name is 'sockjs-twisted' but your
>> package is named as 'socksjs-twisted'. Can you check this?
> The half-an-hour-lost typo. Sorry. A fixed package has been uploaded
> to debian mentors.

Ha ha ha. The life is hard.

I will try help you with this package.

1. d/control:

    - Sorry, but your long description is strange. My impression is
that you tried to transform a paragraph in a list, without basic
modifications. Please, can you adjust it? Use semicolons instead
commas in the list at end of line.

   - Please, create a VCS to control your debian/ versions. You can
use github or other. So, add the Vcs-Browser and Vcs-{Git|Svn|Cvs} to
d/control. You can see an example here[1].


2. d/copyright:

    - Use the verbatim license from upstream code (LICENSE file). As
an example, the upstream says "Neither the name of the Christopher
Gamble nor the names of its", while the d/copyright says "Neither the
name of Oracle nor the names of its".

    - I found this:

qunit/html/static/qunit.css: * Copyright (c) 2011 John Resig, Jörn Zaefferer
qunit/html/static/qunit.css- * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
qunit/html/static/qunit.css- * or GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.

Please, check each file and its licenses. I suggest 'grep -sriA25
copyright *' to help you.

    - I suggest (you can drop it) that you put the license texts as
end of file. You can see an example here[2]. It will make easier to
visualize the files.


3. What makes your patch? My impression is that you are "injecting" a
third-part code in upstream. Is this? If yes, you mus add it as an
dependency of the package. If not packaged, you need package it.

4. d/watch: githubredir is deprecated and GitHub accepts scan. Please,
read this[3].

[3] http://eriberto.pro.br/blog/?p=1459

5. When building, we have a message:

dpkg-gencontrol: warning: Breaks field of package
python-twisted-sockjs: unknown substitution variable ${python:Breaks}

6. Do you saw these lintian messages?

P: sockjs-twisted source: source-contains-prebuilt-javascript-object
P: sockjs-twisted source: source-contains-prebuilt-javascript-object

Thanks for your work. I will wait your reply.



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