tags 744823 moreinfo

Hi Ruben, I will try help you.

Ross, thanks for your comments. Feel free to continue helping.

Ruben, please:

1. d/changelog: you must have an entry only. This entry must have your
ITP number. You can see an explanation here[1]. An example:

yowsup (0.0~git20140314.938cf1-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Initial release (Closes: #752201)

 -- Joao Eriberto Mota Filho <eribe...@debian.org>  Fri, 20 Jun 2014
16:51:58 -0300

[1] https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/dreq.en.html#changelog

2. d/control:
  - In Build-Depends, break the line before the column 80. You can see
two different examples here[2][3].
  - Create a VCS to control your debian/ versions. You can use github
or other. So, add the Vcs-Browser and Vcs-{Git|Svn|Cvs} to d/control.

[2] http://sources.debian.net/src/core-network/4.7-1/debian/control/
[3] http://sources.debian.net/src/ext4magic/0.3.1-4/debian/control/

3. d/copyright:
  - There are several improperties here. First, the correct general
copyright are: Tomi 2001-2004, Heikki 2008 and Ruben 2008-2013.
  - The file src/splay.c has references to David Brower, not listed in
  - In src/ directory there are several files with copyright notices
not listed in d/copyright. Three examples: src/filter-i386.h,
src/gui/osm-gps-map-ais.c and src/gui/private.h. You must put all
copyright notices in d/copyright.
  - The copyright year for debian/* must be 2014.
  - I suggest you to put all licenses separately. You can see two
examples here[4][5].


4. d/gnuais.docs:
  - The NEWS file is useless to final user. I suggest remove it.
  - The gnuais.conf-example is an example and must be installed by
d/gnuais.examples file.

5. d/gnuaisgui.docs:
  - Idem to NEWS.
  - In src/gui/README there is a reference to OpenStreetMap. However,
I didn't see this software in any Depends field in d/control.

PS: I suggest you write a d/README.Debian to guide the final user how
to use the software. So, you can remove some files from d/*.docs.

6. d/*.menu: I suggest add an icon to these menus.

7. d/patches: empty. Remove.

8. d/rules: there are lots of useless comments. Please, remove from
second line to '# Uncomment this to...' line. You can remove the
'.PHONY' line too.

9. d/watch: the githubredir.debian.net is deprecated and the most
usual d/watch for your case is:


To understand the last line, you can read it[6].

[6] http://eriberto.pro.br/blog/?p=1459

10. After the build, there are three lintian notices:

(1) P: gnuais source: debian-watch-may-check-gpg-signature
(2) I: gnuais: hardening-no-fortify-functions usr/bin/gnuais
(3) I: gnuaisgui: hardening-no-fortify-functions usr/bin/gnuaisgui

To solve (1) you can read the uscan manpage.
To solve (2) and (3) you can read it[7].

[7] https://wiki.debian.org/Hardening#Notes_for_packages_using_CMake

11. There are several dpkg-shlibdeps messages:

dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if
debian/gnuaisgui/usr/bin/gnuaisgui was not linked against
libpango-1.0.so.0 (it uses none of the library's symbols)
dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if
debian/gnuaisgui/usr/bin/gnuaisgui was not linked against
libcairo-gobject.so.2 (it uses none of the library's symbols)
dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if
debian/gnuaisgui/usr/bin/gnuaisgui was not linked against
libpangocairo-1.0.so.0 (it uses none of the library's symbols)
dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if
debian/gnuaisgui/usr/bin/gnuaisgui was not linked against
libgio-2.0.so.0 (it uses none of the library's symbols)
dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if
debian/gnuaisgui/usr/bin/gnuaisgui was not linked against
libsoup-2.4.so.1 (it uses none of the library's symbols)
dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if
debian/gnuaisgui/usr/bin/gnuaisgui was not linked against
libgthread-2.0.so.0 (it uses none of the library's symbols)
dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if
debian/gnuaisgui/usr/bin/gnuaisgui was not linked against
libatk-1.0.so.0 (it uses none of the library's symbols)

To fix, add to d/rules:

export DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wl,--as-needed

12. After the build, I didn't see any library. So, why you have the
gnuais-dbg and gnuaisgui-dbg?

Thanks for your work.



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