Regarding the libraries, I can adapt the sources so that I can use the
packaged versions of qcustomplot, rtmidi and stk.

A lot of changes has been made in vmpk. The author contacted me a few
months ago to try a merge of the added features but some has not been
accepted (incompatibilities with future features). I could try to find a
compromise and propose another version of the keyboard, before packaging
it. This process needs time: I'll keep my version of the keyboard for now.

Regarding sfarklib there are some problems here. First, this library can
open sfArk version 2 only. I found another library (whose author seems to
be unknown) that can open the version 1 and maybe the version 2 as well but
I wasn't able to build it correctly for this version. Then, both libraries
take as input a file, and create another file as output. I adapted them to
work with a stream of byte, the object being provided by Qt. My questions
 - should I merge both libraries so that it can fully support the 2
versions of the sfArk format?
 - what is the good practice regarding the inputs and outputs? I can't use
this library if it deals with files, but I understand that a dependancy to
Qt libraries is too cumbersome.
 - what happens if an author is unknown?


2014-08-13 21:07 GMT+02:00 Tobias Frost <>:

> On Wed, 2014-08-13 at 17:46 +0200, Davy Triponney wrote:
> > Thank a lot for the report.
> >
> >
> > - polyphone_1.4.orig.tar.gz is now present in SourceForge
> > (
> > 20releases/1.4/)
> > Regarding get-orig-source, I read this page:
> >
> >
> > My watch file is correct since the last version is recognized and
> > downloaded by uscan. But I don't know how to integrate this nice
> > feature by modifying the file "rules" even with the explanations. And
> > I don't know what result I would get. A self-updating package creator?
> get-orig-source is needed if you don't cant get the orig.tar. One
> example us, if there isn't one and you pull directly from a repository.
> A example for this would be my package gmrender-resurrect.
> Or, if you had to remove files for DFSG freeness (which nowerdays uscan
> can do for you via ExcludeFiles in d/copyright).
> So if uscan won't work for you, you need the target... Otherwise not.
> > - copyright file is fixed, copyright headers added in some source
> > files,
> > - debian/share directory has been removed
> > - the icon resolution is now 512*512, it doesn't come from a vector
> > file,
> ok, I just saw that my comment regarding the icon was incomplete... srry
> about that. The intention is that every file needs its source and
> regenerated at build time -- the resolution is not a concern, but we
> need "the preferred form for modiciations" here. So it would be great if
> you could publish the source for the icon and -- if possible --
> regenerate it at build time to the desired sizes...
> > - debian/polyphone.1 has been completed,
> >
> > - ITP bug retitled,
> > - pdebuilder now can build the package. I'm sorry for
> > the dependency mistakes.
> >
> >
> > The new package has been uploaded
> >
> >
> The above reads very good :)
> Taking a look now...
> -> clavier/RT*.cpp seems like an embedded code copy, fortunately its
> already packaged in Debian is rtmidi, but unfortunatly the package in
> Debian is much newer than the code in polyphone, so some additional
> porting beside patching the build system to use the packaged one might
> be necessary. (Embedded code copies are very discouraged -- refer to the
> Policy ยง4.13)
> (But patching this will help you on another possible issue: The license
> on RTMidi. It says:
>  Any person wishing to distribute modifications to
>  the Software is *requested* to send the modifications to the original
>  developer
> Update: I just see that this is a widget, probably from the package
> vmpk)... It seems is possible to package the QT Widget on its own...)
> However, for this widget I'd ignore that one for the moment...
> In the packaged version "request" has been replaced with "ask" and a
> sentence added that this is not a requirements. I discussed this on
> d-mentors: there were concerns about DFSG compliance, but the concerns
> are void when only "ask"ing. (I'm not saying that the "request" isn't
> ok, but this can cause questions at ftp-masters later on)
> Another embedded library seems to be the The Synthesis ToolKit
> in synthetiseur/elements/* (also packaged in Debian)
> Another one: qcustomplot
> Another one: sfarklib.
> (However, this one needs to be packaged)
> lib/portaudio.h shouldn't be there... :-P
> For the moment please remove the file with a patch -- to show that it is
> not used.
> (If possible, drop that file in your next release)
> -> d/copyright:
> It probably misses a Files:* rule with
> Copyright Davy Triponney  and
> License: GPL-3+
> Files: clavier/*
> Copyright: 2008-2014 Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas,
> License: GPL-3+
> Your name is missing here as copyright holder
> Three files without copyright:
> ./clavier/RtError.h UNKNOWN *No copyright*
> ./sfark/sfarkglobal.cpp UNKNOWN *No copyright*
> ./sfark/sfarkglobal.h UNKNOWN *No copyright*
> ressources/* are missing in d/copyright.
> Is the manual hand written or generated?
> (However, as not installed, this is OK)
> Just a question (to avoid a typo)
> You license debian/* with GPL-2+ while the rest is GPL-3+
> (different version). As you have the "or later" this is ok, but its
> easier if license of the packaging is exactly same.
> No need to change, though.
> Ok so please check the remaining d/copyright issues, and please check if
> it is feasible to use the packaged libraries instead of your embedded
> copies.
> Could you (if feasible to be used) already file an ITP for sfArkLib?
> Cheer up, we're getting closer :)
> > Regards,
> > Davy
> --
> tobi

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