Gert Wollny schreef:
> Dear all,
> one of my colleagues, Oscar (in the CC) recently got a software paper
> accepted that proposes a "Multivariate Bayesian Image Segmentation Tool"
> that can be used for Brain MR segmentation. Our plan is to package this
> for Debian, but we have a licensing problem:
> The software makes use of the maxflow package
> one version, 2.21 is GPL, but already for reasonable sized brain image
> data the code crashes, and the way the code is written there is no easy
> way to fix this, and hence, Oscar went with version 3.0, which works.
> However, version 3.0 comes with a license attached that only allows use
> for research purposes and doesn't allow the redistribution of the source
> code.

 This seems to like a clear violation of the GPL.
Just ask them to comply with the GPL.
If they refuse there are two courses of action:
   1. Sue them
   2. Just ignore the second license, but send a a polite letter.
      If they sue you, mobilise the forces of the free world and
       the USA.

> Many thanks
> Gert

Groetjes Albert.

Suffering is the prerogative of the strong, the weak -- perish.
Albert van der Horst

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