On Sat, Dec 28, 2013 at 07:36:42PM +0100, Felix Natter wrote:
> (upstream) Freeplane 1.3.x will have new icons (application icon,
> document icon), but the artist wants to keep all rights and only grant
> the Freeplane project all rights of use.

> --> Is that ok for Debian?

Not for Debian main, no. You will have to strip the icons from the
software, or move it to non-free.

> --> Is it even compatible with the GPL-2+ license of Freeplane?


> Thanks and Happy New Year,
> -- 
> Felix Natter

[*]: So long as the icons are totally and sepretely loaded. For
     instance, no one would claim the GPL'd GIMP program can only edit
     GPL compatable images, just as in the general case, I don't think
     it's a problem for a GPL'd program to render or load in non-GPL'd


 .''`.  Paul Tagliamonte <paul...@debian.org>  |   Proud Debian Developer
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